Java Web Application Development Services

Sukrit Infotech – The Next Generation Java Web Application Development Company

When there is planning to develop web applications, organizations of all streams and sizes give importance to Java to create cross-platform web applications to meet the diverse requirements of clients. Some top players using Java for their tech stacks are Uber, Airnb, Spotify, Instagram, and Google.

Get the Best Quality Java Application Development Services in India at Competitive Prices

The language helps develop robust and well-functional web applications that have enough scope for customization and designing. Our agile Java web application development services include code refactoring, QA and migration, architectural design, and more to build secure and real-world web applications.

Why Web Development with Java?

Java is more than 20-year old programming language that has been upgraded with times to match the latest requirements of web applications.

Features Of Java


Java is a set of computer software and specifications that are easy to learn and understand. It offers a clean code along with a vast library and active communities allow developers to develop web apps rapidly by avoiding the varying level of complexities with ease.


Everything from programming to the data code is an object in Java. It contains data in the form of fields and code in the form of procedures. Java offers a clear structure for programming.


Applications that run in the Java environment are secure. It comes with a host of security-driven features like no use of pointers, access control functionality, byte code, order execution, and exceptional handling concept.


Java is a robust application. It eliminates error-prone situations by emphasizing compiling time-error checking and runtime checking. It reduces the risk of system crashes and the garbage collection feature enables robust handling of memory management.

Independent Platform

Unlike C and C++, Java doesn’t compile into the platform-specific machine, rather into platform-independent byte code. It is easy to move Java applications from one system to the other.


The feature enables Java-based applications to do multiple tasks at a time. These apps use the same memory and resources with an assurance of high-quality performance.

Our Core Specialization in Java Development Services

As a leading Java application development company, our experienced Java team members are experts at all the trending Java web technologies and offer an extensive range of Java web application services under one umbrella. Feel free to contact us for-

  • Custom Java App Development
  • Java App Maintenance and Support (our prime USP)
  • Java Apps Modernization
  • Java Web App Testing
  • Java Integration
  • Java Web Design
2-2 Java

Tools & Frameworks


A light-weight Java framework offers a comprehensive programming and configuration model for developing sophisticated Java-based enterprise apps.


An open-source framework that features over 100 components, touch optimized mobilekit and a lot more features to create apps. 


An open source framework for developing Java EE web applications, encourages developers to adopt a model-view controller architecture.


An open-source set of tools to allow developers to create and maintain JavaScript front-end applications.


A unit testing framework helps to develop a test-driven web applications that has evolved over time.


An object-relational mapping library that offers a framework to map an object-oriented model.

Apache Tomcat

The open source Java Servlet and Java Server allow developers to make implementation on an array of enterprise Java apps.


WildFly is formally known as JBoss AS or Simply JBoss, used for implementing Java applications and other software.

Angular 2

For frontend services, our mastery in Angular will surely provide you with benefits, one of the best platforms to develop mobile and desktop web apps.


A free and open-source CSS framework for responsive and mobile-first front-end web development.

Sukrit Infotech - Intresting - Facts

How Sukrit Infotech Ensures Success in Every Java Development Project

Scope of Project
We begin by clearly defining the scope of your Java development project. This includes detailed discussions on project objectives, deliverables, timelines, and any specific requirements. A well-defined scope ensures all stakeholders are on the same page and sets a clear path for the development process.
Select Assign to Experienced Project Developer
Based on the project's complexity and specific needs, we assign it to our most experienced and skilled Java developers. This ensures that your project is handled by professionals who have the expertise to deliver high-quality solutions.
Select Assign to Experienced Project Developer
Based on the project's complexity and specific needs, we assign it to our most experienced and skilled Java developers. This ensures that your project is handled by professionals who have the expertise to deliver high-quality solutions.
Project Estimation
Accurate project estimation is crucial for planning and resource allocation. We provide detailed estimates for time, cost, and resources required for each phase of the project. This helps in setting realistic expectations and ensures efficient project management.
Regular Client Feedback & Project Alignment
We maintain regular communication with our clients to gather feedback and ensure the project is aligned with their vision. Frequent updates and review sessions allow us to incorporate client input and make necessary adjustments, ensuring the final product meets their expectations.
Project Reporting
Transparent project reporting is a key aspect of our development process. We provide regular reports on project status, progress, and any challenges encountered. These reports keep all stakeholders informed and facilitate effective decision-making.
Risk Management
Identifying and mitigating risks is essential for the success of any project. We conduct thorough risk assessments and implement strategies to manage potential risks. Proactive risk management ensures that issues are addressed before they become critical.
Project Documentation
Comprehensive documentation is maintained throughout the project lifecycle. This includes requirement specifications, design documents, code documentation, and user manuals. Proper documentation ensures clarity and serves as a valuable reference for future maintenance and updates.
Quality Management
Quality is paramount in all our Java development projects. We adhere to strict quality management practices, including code reviews, testing, and validation processes. This ensures that the final product is of the highest standard and free of defects.
Security Management
At Sukrit Infotech, security is not just a priority; it is a fundamental component of our development ethos. We employ comprehensive security protocols to safeguard your application and data. Our approach encompasses secure coding practices, rigorous security audits, and strict adherence to industry standards. By embedding security into every phase of development, we ensure your project is resilient against threats and built to the highest standards of safety and integrity.
Knowledge Management
Effective knowledge management ensures that all project-related information is properly captured, stored, and shared. This facilitates collaboration and ensures that valuable insights and learnings are preserved for future use.
Post-Launch Maintenance
Our dedication to your project continues long after the launch. We offer comprehensive post-launch maintenance and support services to ensure your Java application remains up-to-date, secure, and efficient. This includes consistent updates, issue fixes, and performance refinements..
Continuous Improvement
We believe in continuous improvement and learning from each project. We conduct post-project reviews to analyze what went well and identify areas for improvement. This ongoing process helps us refine our methodologies and deliver even better results in future projects.
Technology Updates and Training
To stay ahead in the fast-evolving tech landscape, we ensure our developers are regularly trained on the latest Java technologies, tools, and best practices. This commitment to ongoing education ensures that your project benefits from the most current and effective solutions.
User Training and Support
We provide user training and support to ensure that your team can effectively use and manage the new Java application. This includes detailed user manuals, training sessions, and ongoing support to address any queries or issues that may arise.
Client Empowerment
We empower our clients by involving them in every step of the development process. This collaborative approach ensures that the final product is a true reflection of your vision and meets your business needs.

We empower our clients by involving them in every step of the development process. This collaborative approach ensures that the final product is a true reflection of your vision and meets your business needs.

Java Web Application FAQ

What innovative approaches does Sukrit Infotech use to optimize Java web application performance?

At Sukrit Infotech, we employ several innovative approaches to optimize Java web application performance. This includes the use of advanced caching mechanisms, load balancing, and efficient database querying. We also leverage Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and implement asynchronous processing where applicable. Our team of Java developers constantly monitors application performance using tools like JMeter and New Relic to ensure optimal speed and responsiveness.

How does Sukrit Infotech ensure the security of Java web applications?

Security is a top priority at Sukrit Infotech. We adhere to industry best practices and standards such as OWASP guidelines to secure Java web applications. Our security measures include regular code reviews, static and dynamic application security testing (SAST/DAST), encryption of sensitive data, secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, and regular security audits. We also implement role-based access control and use advanced security frameworks to safeguard against common threats like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Can Sukrit Infotech develop custom Java web applications tailored to specific business needs?

Yes, Sukrit Infotech excels in developing custom Java web applications that are tailored to meet specific business requirements. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and challenges, and we create bespoke solutions that align with their goals. Our development process is highly collaborative, ensuring that the final product is not only functional but also intuitive and user-friendly. We leverage agile methodologies to deliver projects on time and within budget while maintaining high standards of quality.

What methodologies does Sukrit Infotech follow to ensure timely delivery of Java web applications?

Sukrit Infotech follows agile methodologies to ensure the timely delivery of Java web applications. This includes iterative development, continuous integration and delivery and regular sprint planning and reviews. We use project management tools like Jira and Trello to track progress and ensure transparency. Our team conducts daily stand-up meetings to address any blockers and keep the project on schedule. This approach allows us to be flexible and adaptive, ensuring that we can meet deadlines without compromising on quality.

How does Sukrit Infotech ensure the scalability of Java web applications?

Scalability is a key consideration in all Java web applications developed by Sukrit Infotech. We design our applications with scalability in mind from the outset, using microservices architecture, containerization with Docker, and orchestration with Kubernetes. Our applications are built to handle increased loads through horizontal and vertical scaling. We also employ cloud-based solutions and services, such as AWS and Azure, to provide scalable infrastructure. Performance monitoring tools help us continuously assess and adjust the application’s capacity to meet growing demands.